“下面有請黑嘉嘉,她爲我們帶來的歌曲是,《Scars To Your Beautiful》,大家掌聲歡迎~”
“She just wants to be beautiful,
She goes unnoticed she knows no limits,
She craves attention she praises an image,
She prays to be sculpted by the sculptor,
Oh she don't see the light that's shining,
Deeper than the eyes can find it,
Maybe we have made her blind,
So she tries to cover up her pain and cut her woes away,
Cause covergirls don't cry after their face is made,
But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are,
And you don't have to change a thing,
The world could change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful,
And you don't have to change a thing,
The world could change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful,
She has dreams to be an envy so she's starving,
You know covergirls eat nothing,
She says beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything,
What's a little bit of hunger,
I could go a little while longer she fades away,
She don't see her perfect she don't understand she's worth it,
Or that beauty goes deeper than the surface,
So to all the girls that's hurting,
Let me be your mirror help you see a little bit clearer,
The light that shines within,
There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are,
And you don't have to change a thing,
The world could change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful,
And you don't have to change a thing,
The world could change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful,
No better you than the you that you are,
No better you than the you that you are,
No better life than the life we're living,
No better life than the life we're living,
No better time for your shine you're a star,
No better time for your shine you're a star,
Oh you're beautiful oh you're beautiful,
There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
You should know you're beautiful just the way you are,
And you don't have to change a thing,
The world could change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful,
And you don't have to change a thing,
The world could change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful we're stars and we're beautiful~”
“兩個女孩的風格相近,都是R&B。R&B的前身,出現在40年代的美國黑人區。那時,負擔得起多姿多彩娛樂的人不多,熱愛音樂的黑人就喜歡茶餘飯後聚集街頭,以吉他和口琴等簡單樂器玩奏音樂,一抒生活、工作、離鄉别井等種種感受。這就發展出藍調(Blues)--R&B的前身。随着錄音帶的發明,和越來越多的小型電台出現,藍調音樂開始跳出黑人圈子,在芝加哥流行起來。不知是否因藍調音樂說愁說得太久,樂迷都渴望聽到節奏感強、調子節拍明快,内容又不太悲傷的藍調歌曲。樂手們順應大衆口味的轉變,在作品中加入鋼琴、鼓、色士風和當時的超新科技--電子吉他,讓聽衆可随着這種節奏感(Rhythm)強的新派藍調音樂(Blues)起舞,成就了經典的“節奏怨曲“。我們也不能忘掉經典的new jack swing時代,那時代的r&b是hip-hop和r&b的大融合,一個個的專輯都是經典的new jack swing快節奏歌曲加上2-3首ballad,這是那時代統一的标準。女孩們,加油吧。”
“我更欣賞李筱薇,她的肺活量真的是吓到我了。而且,她唱的R&B真的是太好聽,太有節奏感了,很是感染人。我們知道,50年代的R&B能爲美國的白人青年帶來震撼,除了因節奏感強烈外,那坦白直接、不忸怩作态的歌詞也是主因之一。 R&B歌曲的歌詞,不同于一般歌曲的歌詞,尤其是現今中國地區流行的R&B歌曲歌詞,隻是達到一個順口的、符合節奏的效果。受不同音樂類型、市場、科技和文化的影響,今日R&B已由昔日的街頭黑人音樂,演變爲攻陷英美歐亞各大銷量流行榜的世界大熱音樂。R&B帶來的沖擊,不隻局限于音樂上,就連我們的時裝打扮文化口頭禅生活态度行爲舉動也因着R&B音樂而有着某些改變。Hey man!鴨嘴帽癞屎褲寶黛麗辮仔頭,相信你我都不會陌生!就是這樣,R&B成了令很多黑人紅人黃人白人互相了解、欣賞對方文化的渠道!加油,李筱薇!”